Minutes and Agendas

This page contains meeting information for City Council, Finance Committee, Public Services Committee, Committee of the Whole, and Work Sessions. Archived meetings can be found at the following links:

City Council

Please use the following link to find additional Committee Information.

Meetings held in Council Chambers are live streamed for the public to watch on the City's Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube pages in addition to Spectrum local access channel 192. The public may watch and provide comment (when applicable to a meeting) remotely through Zoom. Zoom links can be found at www.cheyennecity.org/ecm

City Council Meetings

Held the second and fourth Monday of each month at 6pm in the Municipal Building's Council Chambers (2101 O'Neil Ave.)


Finance Committee Meetings

Held the first and third Tuesday of each month at 12pm in room 104 of the Municipal Building (2101 O'Neil Ave.)


Public Services Committee Meetings

Held the first and third Monday of each month at 12pm in room 104 of the Municipal Building (2101 O'Neil Ave.)


Committee of the Whole Meetings

Scheduled at the discretion of the Governing Body. Meetings held in the Municipal Building's Council Chambers (2101 O'Neil Ave.)


Work Sessions

Scheduled at the discretion of the Governing Body. Typically held on Fridays at 12pm in the Municipal Building's Council Chambers (2101 O'Neil Ave.)