Unified Development Code

An image of the Unified Development Code cover

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The entire Unified Development Code can be downloaded as one PDF here: Full Document(PDF, 6MB) (5.7 MB) (Opens in New Tab) This document is formatted for double-sided printing. Select your printer source, double sided print, and print.  Amended through April 1, 2022.  Please contact staff regarding any recent changes since the last amendment. 
Chapter  Article Description
Article 1:(PDF, 906KB) Provides the steps for applying the Unified Development Code standards to specific development applications. It includes the technical steps in the development review process and criteria for evaluating development applications.
Article 2:
Applications Procedures Criteria(PDF, 415KB)
Provides the foundation elements and operating mechanisms for the Unified Development Code. It includes establishing purposes, jurisdiction, authority, interpretation, and definitions of terms within the Unified Development Code.
Article 3:
Impact Studies(PDF, 384KB)
Provides tools and evaluation techniques for complex development projects. It includes coordination of design and funding of public improvements in response to specific development applications.
Article 4:
Subdivision Regulations(PDF, 2MB)
Provides standards for coordinating development across different areas and over time. It addresses development patterns and includes planning, design, and engineering standards for systems that coordinate development across large areas, including open space, transportation, and utilities. Details public improvement requirements, community facility fees, transportation network requirements, open space system requirements, and engineering specifications required with subdivisions and development activity.
Article 5:
Zoning Regulations(PDF, 7MB)
Establishes zone districts, special purpose districts, and overlay districts; and provides standards for kinds and classes of buildings and use of sites and buildings within zoning districts. It addresses issues of compatibility among types of uses, scale of uses and buildings within and between different zoning districts.
Article 6:
Design Regulations(PDF, 803KB)
Provides standards that deal with coordinating components of development on an individual site in a manner that reinforces the character of districts and neighborhoods. It includes standards for site elements that apply to all districts and sites regardless of use or zoning district, as well as standards for specific districts that require unique design considerations and solutions.
Article 7:
Form-Based Codes(PDF, 2MB)
Provides an alternative process and standards for doing master planned developments. It includes standards that replace or supplement subdivision standards, zoning standards, and design standards in relation to a specific and detailed area plan.
Appendices(PDF, 2MB) Supplemental information and regulations regarding development standards; design guidelines, worksheets, parking study parameters; streetscape design, and landscape/streetscape maintenance.


Planned Unit Development (PUD) Information

Is your property in a PUD? PUD regulations may supersede UDC regulations. Active PUDs are online here: Planned Unit Development (PUD).


Visit the UDC Annual Review page if you have any suggestions, comments or concerns 

We annually review the Unified Development Code.  Click the following link for more information: Annual Review Page

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