Historic Preservation Board

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About the Board:

The Historic Preservation Board advises the Governing Body on decisions regarding historic preservation.  Members of the Board are appointed by the Mayor. The Board is comprised of eleven members with various skills and knowledge.

Historic Preservation Board Meetings

The Historic Preservation Board meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 6:00 pm in City Council Chambers. Work sessions may be held on the fourth Tuesday of the month at various locations at 5:30 p.m.  Agendas are available one week prior to the meeting.  Minutes are available 1-2 meetings after the respective meeting. Subscribe to this page for updates including new Agendas and Minutes. 

Agendas, Minutes, and Future Meetings 

Agendas are typically available five-days prior to the meeting date and minutes are available after approval at subsequent meetings. Minutes are typically posted within 60-days of the meeting. Anticipated future meetings are also listed.  


January 14, 2025  Agenda  Minutes
February11, 2025 Agenda Minutes
March 11, 2025 Agenda Minutes
April 8, 2025
May13, 2025

June10, 2025
July 8, 2025 
August 12, 2025 
 September 9, 2025
 October 14, 2025
 November 12, 2025*
 December 9, 2025    




  • Milward Simpson, Chair
  • Amber Conwell, Vice Chair
  • Cathie Tabor-Douglas, Secretary
  • Gary Sims
  • David Benner
  • Don Herrold
  • Josh Chrysler
  • Elisabeth DeGrenier
  • Patrick Bustos 


Mission Statement

Preserve the historic integrity of Cheyenne, Wyoming.

Board Rules of Practice

Annual Report

The Board must submit an Annual Report to the State Historic Preservation Office. This report includes a summary of Board activities for the year, copies of minutes from October to September, and the Board's strategic plan.

2023 Annual Report(PDF, 2MB)

2022 Annual Report(PDF, 2MB)

2021 Annual Report(PDF, 2MB)

Strategic Plan

The Board met on Saturday, March 2nd, from 9 am to 1 pm to update the working strategic plan for 2024. This meeting was held at 719 E. 17th Street and was open to the public. Please click on the link below to view the latest strategic planning document in PDF format.

StrategicPlanningGoals-240302.pdf(PDF, 335KB)


Historic Preservation Projects and Resources


Resources Available at the Planning Office

National Historic District Nomination Briefs

Maps of Historic Districts

*These should print on 8-1/2 x 11 paper except for the historic districts which should print on 8-1/2 x 14, or come into the office at the address listed below and pick one up.

Resources Available at the Public Library

The Laramie County Library has a collection of books on the preservation and restoration of historic buildings. They also have City Directories which can provide you with a history of who lived in your property (starting about 1925 to the present).

Resources Available Online

The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties


The Historic Preservation Board issues its Dubois Award and LeClercq Jones Award annually.

The Dubois Award is presented for exceptionally significant preservation efforts on residential properties. It was named for William Dubois, one of the city’s premier architects of the early 1900s. This award has been renamed to honor Mr. Dubois’ grandson, William Dubois III. William Dubois was a founding member of the CHPB, and a longstanding community volunteer and philanthropist.

The LeClercq Jones Award is presented for commercial buildings that show exceptional preservation work, either from being maintained or through recent renovations. LeClercq Jones was president of Frontier Printing for 35 years and is most recognized for his tireless efforts in documenting Cheyenne in pictures, newspaper clippings, historic research, and oral histories.

Submissions are open for the 2024 awards! The deadline to nominate is Jan. 1, 2025.

Past Winners

Dubois Award

2023: 700 East 22nd Street  

2022: 1714 East 19th Street 

2021: No Award

2020: 320 E 17th Street

2019: 2720 Capitol Avenue

2018: 2419 Evans Avenue

2017: 2700 Carey Avenue

2016: 601 E 18th Street

2015: 504 E 21st Street 

2014 2822 Capitol Avenue


LeClercq Jones Award

2023:  McGee, Hearne & Paiz, LLP 1509 Bent Ave

2022 : First Presbyterian Church,  220 W 22nd St

2021:  Town Square Title, Babbitt Baxter Home, 719 E 17th St

2020: The Lincoln, 1615 Central Avenue

2019: The Metropolitan & The Gallery, 1701 Carey Avenue

2018: 211 W Lincolnway, The Atlas Theater

2017: 1607 Capitol Avenue, The Paramount Building

2016: 400 W Lincolnway, The Dinneen Building

2015: 319 W 18th Street, Wintergarden & Smith Building

2014: 822 W 23rd Street, Warehouse 21

2013: 2107 Capitol Avenue, St. Mary’s Cathedral

2012: 301 W Lincolnway, Tivoli Building






What is a historic district?

A historic district is a group of buildings that has been designated on the National Register of Historic Places as a historically or architecturally significant area.

What is a historic landmark?

A historic landmark is a historic property that illustrates the heritage of the United States and has been listed on the National Register of Historic Places.  This can take the form of a building, district, object, site, or structure.

What is the National Register of Historic Places?

The National Register of Historic Places is the nation’s official list of cultural resources worthy of preservation. It is part of the National Park Service’s program to protect historic and archaeological resources under the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966.

What are the benefits of listing a historic district in the National Register?

When a Historic District is designated in the National Register, it contributes to preserving those historic properties in the following ways:

  • Recognition that a property has historic or cultural significance to the community.
  • Consideration in planning for Federal, Federally licensed, and Federally assisted projects.
  • Eligibility for Federal tax provisions (this applies more to commercial and some rental residential buildings)
  • Qualification for Federal assistance for historic preservation when funds are available.

What is a contributing structure?

A contributing structure is any building within the district which adds to the historical integrity or architectural qualities that make the district significant.

How are contributing structures determined?

Contributing structures are evaluated based on significance, age, and integrity.

  • Significance: Is the property associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of Cheyenne’s history? Is it associated with the lives of persons significant in Cheyenne’s past? Does it embody the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction?
  • Age and Integrity: Is the property at least 50 years old? Does it still look much the way it did in the past?

Are there restrictions on contributing structures in historic districts?

To demolish or move the structure, the property owner will need to obtain approval from the Cheyenne Historic Preservation Board. In addition to this, the Board encourages property owners to review the proposed Demolition by Neglect Ordinance at cheyennecity.org/chpb as this will pertain to historic properties.

What is a Certificate of Appropriateness and when is it required?

A Certificate of Appropriateness is a document approving new construction, significant alteration, or improvements for any property located within the Governor’s Mansion Protective Area (the area from 22nd St. on the north, 20th St. on the south, Evans on the east, and House on the west).

How can a property owner obtain a Certificate of Appropriateness?

An applicant can fill out the Certificate of Appropriateness Application on the Planning and Development webpage. Within 21 days of the application submittal, the Cheyenne Historic Preservation Board will hold a public hearing to review the proposal. The applicant can attend the public hearing and speak on their proposal. After the close of the public hearing, the Board will either approve, approve with conditions, deny, or postpone action on the application.


Media Articles 


For questions about Historic Preservation in Cheyenne, please contact the Planning and Development Department, at (307) 637-6282.