Mayor's Council for People with Disabilities



The MCPD's mission is to be an educational and solution orientated advisory board serving as a network, which is a catalyst and referral organization, promoting self-advocacy, equality and accessibility for all people regardless of their disability.


The Mayor's Council for People with Disabilities (MCPD) serves as an advisory board to the Mayor's Office, the Governing Body and Cheyenne City staff for the inclusion of, as well as, on the problems and concerns of persons with a disability as they relate to activities of daily living, including Accessibility, Recreation, Commerce, Employment, Transportation and Self-Advocacy for people with disabilities and their families in the Cheyenne community.

To bring awareness and educate the community on issues relevant to people with a disability.

About the Council

Established in 1993, the 15 member board is appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. Our three (3) Executive Officers and 12 members serve staggering three (3) year terms. Members consist of people with disabilities, members of the general public, family members and non-profit organizations, as well as state and local agencies.  If you are interested in serving on the MCPD, please fill out an application by clicking the link below and submit it to the mayor's office.

 Online Board Application Form

Commission/Board PDF Application Form(PDF, 39KB)

Accomplishments     Current Projects


The MCPD meets monthly.
  • 11:30 am - 1:00 pm
  • Second Thursday of every month
  • Municipal Building, Mayor's Conference Room, 2101 O'Neil Avenue, Cheyenne, WY 82001

Members of the public, with or without disabilities, are encouraged to attend meetings to provide input and suggestions for projects.  Non-member volunteers are often needed to assist with projects, forums and focus groups.

The Mayor's Council for People with Disabilities is committed to providing individuals with disabilities an equal opportunity to participate in meetings, projects, forums, focus groups, or other activities.  Individuals may request reasonable accommodations from the Mayor's Council for People with Disabilities by calling the phone number below.  Making the request as far in advance of the meeting, forum, focus group, or other activity as possible will help ensure that the Mayor's Council for People with Disabilities is able to fulfill the request for an accommodation.


Agendas & Minutes

Board Members

Patricia Riesland (Chairperson)

Michelle Woerner (Vice-Chairman)

Kristina Richardson (Secretary) 

Julie Tucker

Rebecca Millett

Tom Gallagher

Gregory Smith

Daisha Hunter

Pete Laybourn, City Council Liaison

Ex-Officio: Darrin Hass



Contact Us

Phone: 307-637-6200 or 307-637-6343