Yard Waste Program
The City of Cheyenne provides a Yard Waste Program the first full week of April to the week before Thanksgiving. This program is an additional cost please call The Sanitation Division to order a container.
Yard-Waste-Brochure(PDF, 125KB)
2025-Holiday-schedule(PDF, 67KB)
What materials are allowed in this container?
All material must be loose/not bagged in the container
- Lawn trimmings
- Weeds
- Leaves
- Pine needles
- Pinecones
What materials are not allowed in this container?
- Branches (Compost Facility)
- Tumbleweeds (Compost Facility)
- Bags (including paper yard bags) (Bagged compost can be emptied at the Compost Facility)
- Sod (Compost Facility)
- Mulch (City Landfill
- Rocks (City Landfill)
- Trash (City Transfer Station or Landfill)
- Other items not included in the above list
Branch Pick-up
On the third Thursday of each month during the Yard Waste Program we offer a branch pickup. Customers will need to call the Sanitation Division before the third Thursday to schedule.
Branches need to be cut down to 3ft in length, unbundled, and out on the street curb no earlier then 4pm the day before pickup.
This program is free (up to the 1st cubic yd) for current yard waste customers; customers who do not subscribe to the yard waste program will be charged by volume as an Extra Pickup.
Please call the Sanitation Division (307)637-6440 with any questions or to schedule a pickup
Compost Facility
The Compost Facility (3714 Windmill Rd.) is available for disposal of residential yard waste year-round for your convenience from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. Large loads are not accepted after 4:30 p.m.
May 1, 2024 through September 30, 2024 the Compost Facility is open Sundays 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. for drop off only (no loading or sales)