Planning and Development

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Department Overview:

The Planning Department is responsible for overseeing and guiding development activities in the City of Cheyenne. The Planning and Development Department is comprised of five divisions:

  • Development Division (Current Planning)
  • Planning Division (Long Range Planning) (Urban Renewal Authority, Parks and Greenway Planning)
  • Historic Preservation 
  • Metropolitan Planning Organization
  • Downtown Development Authority

Major activities include administration of development regulations, assistance to the public, and processing City permit applications. Annually the Department Processes over 1,500 development applications. The Department strives to provide everyone with professional and courteous service in a fair and timely manner.

Boards and Commissions

The Department provides support and/or assistance to the following Boards and Commissions:

Informational Maps

General Information Map

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General Information Map

This map provides information regarding a property's zoning; inclusion in special districts such as the Downtown Development Authority (DDA), a Historic District, or the Core Permit Fee Waiver Area; as well as general zoning and addressing information.

Development Projects Map

Greenway Map

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Greenway Map

Utilize this map to find out where existing Greenway Multi-use paths have been developed

Downtown Development Authority / Main Street

The quasi-governmental entity, with significant fiscal powers that enable us to oversee Downtown-specific projects from concept to completion. They also are a Main Street Program certified through Wyoming Main Street and the National Main Street Center. The DDA District is a total of 74 City blocks and is shown below. 

For further information, visit their website.




Floodplain / Flood Zone Maps

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Floodplain / Flood Zone Maps
Utilize this map to see if your property is located within a flood area as defined by FEMA and the City


Plans, Studies, and Information


PlanCheyenne is an integrated community master plan that defines the Cheyenne area’s future.  Created with extensive involvement of citizens, city and county officials, and planners and updated since initial adoption, PlanCheyenne represents a path towards growing as a “community of choice.”  PlanCheyenne contains three major plan components: The Community Plan, The Parks and Recreation Master Plan, and The Transportation Master Plan, and a Land Use and Transportation Map which are summarized below.

Community Plan (2014):

This element of the plan was adopted in 2014 and addresses the community’s basic form and land-use patterns.  The plan can be accessed here: Community Plan

Parks and Recreation Master Plan (2006):

This element of the plan was adopted in 2006 and addresses the community’s parks and recreation needs.  The plan is available at the following link: Parks and Recreation Master Plan

Long Range Transportation Plan (2020): 

This element of the plan was adopted in 2020 and addresses the community’s current and future transportation needs. The plan is available at the following link: Connect 2045(PDF, 112MB)

Future Land Use Plan and Transportation Plan Map (2020):   

This element of the plan was adopted in 2020 and represents a regional Future Land Use and Transportation Plan. The plan is available by clicking here:   Future Land Use Plan(PDF, 2MB)

Belvoir Ranch

Entire Plan (2008)(PDF, 27MB) 27 MB

Individual chapters for download:

     Snapshot / Executive Summary(PDF, 4MB)

     Structure(PDF, 4MB) This chapter provides a framework for future use and development of the Belvoir Ranch 

          Structure Maps(PDF, 4MB)

     Shape(PDF, 6MB) This chapter provides a conceptual master plan for future improvements at the Ranch and Big Hole, and policies for managing the properties for the benefit of future generations

          Shape Maps(PDF, 6MB)    

     Economic Value(PDF, 1009KB) This chapter highlights the economic benefits of land conservation

     Build(PDF, 2MB) This chapter focuses on implementation of the elements of the plan

          Build Maps(PDF, 1MB)

Parks and Recreation Master Plan

Please use the following link to view the Parks and Recreation Master Plan(PDF, 86MB)!

Index of active Planned Unit Developments (PUD)

A planned unit development shall permit flexibility and creativity in site and building design and location in accordance with an approved plan and specific ordinance, which shall be written in a manner as to prevent adverse impacts and protect the public health, safety and welfare. Design excellence and the provision of outstanding public amenity shall be considered when establishing development standards.


All active and regulated PUD's can be found here.

MPO Plans and Studies

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Metropolitan Planning Association Maps and Plans
This interactive page includes a variety of information regarding plans and studies completed by the Metropolitan Planning Association (MPO)



Cheyenne MSA Comprehensive Sustainability Plan

The City of Cheyenne is participating in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) CPRG program and was awarded a $1 million planning grant in December 2023. The City of Cheyenne is serving as the lead organization for the Phase 1 CPRG planning grant for the Cheyenne Metropolitan Statistical Area (Laramie County). Click here for more information.  



Annual Reports


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Department Head

Photo of Charles Bloom, City of Cheyenne Planning and Development Director

Charles W. Bloom


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