Downtown Sidewalk Snow Management

When winter rolls in, snow and ice can make getting around the downtown area tricky. Property owners are responsible for keeping sidewalks next to their properties clear of snow, slush, and ice—within 24 hours of a snowfall—so everyone can stay safe. If the snow isn’t cleared, you may receive a fine. Downtown property owners that do not have parking lots are required to shovel snow into on-street parking spots for Clean and Safe to do their thing. Reference to City Code 8.60.090


Snow Removal Procedure for Downtown Cheyenne

1. Property owners are required to clear snow from their sidewalks within 24 hours after snowfall ends. However, compliance enforcement varies, creating safety and accessibility concerns that may deter downtown visitors. Within the Downtown District only, snow must be pushed from sidewalks into on-street parking areas to allow the Clean and Safe Division to operate its designated routes.

2. If snow accumulation reaches 1 inch, the Clean and Safe Division of the City’s Community Recreation and Events department begins removing snow from City property only (sidewalks). If 2 inches or more accumulates, Clean and Safe removes snow from on-street parking areas at 4 AM. The program operates with two plows and a small bobcat equipped with a bucket. Snow is piled at the end of the street for safety and efficiency; however, this placement often coincides with ADA access points.

3. City Public Works Department will plow downtown streets and remove snow based on the following storm classifications outlined in the 2010 Snow Plan (see below under more information)*  

*Properties with private parking lots cannot push snow into the street.

Snow must either be piled in the parking lot or removed from the downtown area.

More Information:

2010 Snow Plan

Category 1: One inch or less with icy conditions

-De-ice Main streets and intersections plus emergency requests

-Clean and Safe removes snow from City property only (sidewalks)

Category 2: Two inches and sleet/slush conditions

-Plow and de-ice, snow removal at intersections plus emergency requests

-Clean and Safe plows on-street parking areas

-Public Works plows downtown snow. When Clean and Safe plows on-street parking areas, the City will remove snow piles themselves or use contracted providers (cost for contracted providers is about $4,000 - $10,000 per event)

Category 3: Three inches or more with wind

-Plow, de-ice, removal at intersections plus emergency requests

Category 4: Major storm of 4-inches or more

-Plow, de-ice, and snow removal on main streets, downtown and storm drain inlets plus emergency requests


Snow Removal Priority Routes

See attached Cheyenne Area Snow & Ice Control Guide for City snow removal priority routes here.


What Does the Clean and Safe Program Do?

The DDA is working with Clean and Safe to ensure proper and timely snow removal downtown.

Here is a list of functions the Clean and Safe program does: 

  • Clean Spiker Garage – (sweep and mop stair wells, clean restrooms, clean trash from structure, remove graffiti, change/repair lights, clean signs, paint parking stalls, clean elevators, etc.)
  • Clean Geroge Cox Parking structure – (sweep and mop stair wells, clean trash from structure, remove graffiti, change/repair lights, clean signs, paint parking stall, clean elevator, etc.)
  • Empty trash cans throughout DDA district (88)
  • Provide safety and security at special events including FOTP and CFD
  • Snow removal
  • Hanging Christmas lights and removing them
  • Act as ambassadors for the City
  • Sweep curb lines
  • Mow turf – UP Lot between Central and Warren behind the CHEYENNE sign, Depot Plaza, Gunslinger square, Depot West, Spiker Garage
  • Water flowerpots on the plaza
  • Keep Plaza in good repair – check electric outlets, replace/repair lights, paint, etc.
  • Clean and maintain equipment
  • Sweep and clear sidewalks downtown
  • Report major maintenance (potholes, broken concrete, broken curbs) and unsafe conditions
  • Reports suspicious persons or circumstances

Helpful Tips

If you know snow is coming, try to park in the parking garage. This ensures the Clean and Safe Program is able to clear the parking spaces and street for your patrons.

It is important to de-ice your sidewalks so people don't slip. You can use salt, Ice Slicer™, or even sand. But if your sidewalks are less than 1 year old, don't use salt (it will erode your sidewalk sealant!)