o Category 1: One inch or less with icy conditions
-De-ice Main streets and intersections plus emergency requests
-Clean and Safe removes snow from City property only (sidewalks)
o Category 2: Two inches and sleet/slush conditions
-Plow and de-ice, snow removal at intersections plus emergency requests
-Clean and Safe plows on-street parking areas
-Public Works plows downtown snow. When Clean and Safe plows on-street parking areas, the City will remove snow piles themselves or use contracted providers (cost for contracted providers is about $4,000 - $10,000 per event)
o Category 3: Three inches or more with wind
-Plow, de-ice, removal at intersections plus emergency requests
o Category 4: Major storm of 4-inches or more
-Plow, de-ice, and snow removal on main streets, downtown and storm drain inlets plus emergency requests