Contractor License Applications


1. All applications must be completed on the forms provided. The Contractor License Application is for the company. This application asks for company references from persons or companies your company has done business with, i.e. supply houses, lumber companies, customers, etc.

2. Contractor License Applications must be accompanied by the following items:

  • Full fees must be paid at the time of application.
  • A certificate of general commercial liability insurance showing the City of Cheyenne Building Safety department as a "certificate holder" only, not as an “additional insured”.
  • ALL CONTRACTORS must also submit proof of registration with Division of Worker’s Compensation in the Department of Workforce Services of the State of Wyoming (307-777-6763).



1. All applications must be completed on the forms provided. This license is for the individual(s) who will be the qualified supervisor (QS) for the company. Every company is required to have at least one qualified supervisor.

2. Qualified Supervisor License Applications must be accompanied by the following items:

  • Full fees must be paid at the time of application.
  • All applicants need to provide a detailed list of your personal hands-on experience.
  • Proof of successful completion of the ICC National Exam if required.

3. All “tested” journeyman and master license applications are required to attend the Licensing Board meeting. If you are not at the meeting to answer questions the Board may have pertaining to your application/experience, your application may be denied. If your license is denied by the Board, you will have to fill out a new application and pay a new application fee of $50.00

4. All applicants who are required to take a test and appear before the board must submit 1 Copy of your contractor license application, your Qualified Supervisor application and detailed hands-on experience before the last working day of the month prior to the meeting. The meetings are held in the City Council Chambers at 9:00 AM the second Tuesday of each month.

In accordance with Section 3.8.2 of the City of Cheyenne Contractor Licensing Regulations "Every applicant for any license shall submit, within thirty (30) days of approval, all required documentation required by these regulations or submit a written request for a refund or applicable fees.  Any applicant, who fails, within thirty (30) days, to provide the documentation required by these regulations or fails to submit a written request for a refund, shall forfeit any fees paid and the application(s) shall be deemed null and void"

PLEASE REMEMBER you MUST obtain the appropriate license(s) before you can commence work in the City of Cheyenne.  If caught working in the City of Cheyenne without appropriate license(s) a stop work order will be issued and an investigation fee will be assessed.

It is important that all contractors read and become familiar with the Contractor Licensing Rules and Regulations(PDF, 349KB).

For Information regarding testing material, testing sites and testing times for the National ICC Exam, State Fire Marshall's office or the Division of Worker's Compensation you can contact:

(877) 234-6082
PearsonVUE Website   

ICC Safe
(888) 422-7233    
ICC Safe Website
Division of Worker's Compensation
(307) 777-6763
Workman's Compensation Website

Wyoming State Fire Marshall
122 W 25th St, Herschler Bldg
Cheyenne Wy, 82001
(307) 778-7288
State Fire Marshall Website

Third Party Employment Verification Letter-(PDF, 184KB)Employment-Verification-Affidavits.pdf(PDF, 184KB)

Contractor & Qualified Supervisor Applications

Initial Fees
Renewal Fees
Class A(PDF, 236KB) $650 $100 $200 $25
Class A Specialty (One Time Only)(PDF, 280KB) $650 $100

Class B(PDF, 250KB)
$450 $100 $100 $25
Class D(PDF, 293KB)
$250 $100 $75 $25
Class E(PDF, 232KB)
$350 $100 $75 $25
Class F(PDF, 238KB)
$350 $100 $75 $25
Class R(PDF, 186KB)
$450 $100 $75 $25
Class S(PDF, 297KB) $350 $100 $75 $25
Class C-1 Solar, Wind and Turbine (Non-Tested Meets Board)(PDF, 230KB) $250 $100 $75 $25
Class C-1 Tested(PDF, 234KB) $250 $100 $75 $25
Class C-1 Non-Tested(PDF, 230KB) $250 $100 $75 $25
Class C-2 Tested(PDF, 234KB) $250 $100 $50 $25
Class C-2 Non-Tested(PDF, 230KB) $250 $100 $50 $25



Class C-1 Plumbing Applications

Initial Fees
Renewal Fees
Class C-1 Plumbing Master & Contractor(PDF, 236KB) $250 $100 $75 $25
Class C-1 Plumbing Journeyman(PDF, 194KB) $80 $15
Class C-1 Plumbing Apprentice(PDF, 194KB) $20 $5


Class C-1 HVAC Applications

Initial Fees
Renewal Fees
Class C-1 HVAC Master & Contractor(PDF, 236KB) $250 $100 $75 $25
Class C-1 HVAC Journeyman(PDF, 194KB) $80 $15
Class C-1 HVAC Apprentice(PDF, 66KB) $20 $5


Class C-1 Refrigeration Applications

Initial Fees
Renewal Fees
Class C-1 Refrigeration Master & Contractor(PDF, 236KB) $250 $100 $75 $25
Class C-1 Refrigeration Journeyman(PDF, 194KB) $80 $15
Class C-1 Refrigeration Apprentice(PDF, 143KB) $20 $5



Electrical Applications (State License Required)

Initial Fees
Renewal Fees
Class C-1 Electrical Master & Contractor(PDF, 230KB) $250 $100 $75 $25
Class C-1 Electrical Journeyman(PDF, 211KB)

(PDF, 66KB)Class C-1 Electrical Apprentice(PDF, 193KB)


Class C-2 Low Voltage Q.S. & Contractor(PDF, 233KB)
$250 $100
$50 $25
Class C-2 Low Voltage Electrical Technician(PDF, 196KB)


Class C-2 Low Voltage Electrical Apprentice(PDF, 199KB)


Class C-3 Limited Electrical Q.S. & Contractor(PDF, 233KB)
$250 $100
$50 $25
Class C-3 Limited Electrical Technician(PDF, 196KB)


Class C-3 Limited Electrical Apprentice(PDF, 193KB)



All City of Cheyenne Electrical Applications must be accompanied by a State Electrical License before issuance of City License
Contractor Rules and Regulations

Contractor Licensing Rules and Regulations(PDF, 278KB)