Construction Management


Construction Management provides the following services:

  • Performing contract management for 1% projects

  • Reviewing and approve permits for construction and work in the right-of-way

  • Inspecting work in the right-of-way and stop work if it doesn't meet City specifications

  • Maintaining and update City specifications for right of way construction

  • Managing the miscellaneous concrete replacement program

  • Reviewing construction plans for impact on City right-of-way

  • Advising other departments on construction issues.


To manage 1% construction projects and protect City right-of-way infrastructure to ensure that all construction in the right-of-way is properly performed and meets specifications.



Contact Us

2101 O'Neil Ave.
Room 201
Cheyenne, WY 82001

Ph: 307-637-6268
Fx: 307-637-6256


Monday - Friday
8 a.m - 5 p.m.