About Us

The Service Today

Cheyenne Fire Rescue is an all-risk fire department that provides numerous types of services to the community and its citizens. With an ever growing community, Cheyenne Firefighters have become increasingly relied upon, and utilized, for our many services.

Responses consist of structure, brush, and miscellaneous fires, high/low angle rescue, advanced life support (ALS) for medical emergencies, commercial fire alarms, vehicle accidents, vehicle fires, public assists, CO alarms, smoke detector alarms, railroad accidents, ice and water rescues, HAZMAT, gas leaks, natural disasters, and list can go on and on. Last year we responded to over 10,000 calls among the 5 fire stations that serve the city limits. Daily you will find a minimum of 20 suppression firefighters staffing (1) battalion chief, (1) aerial ladder truck, and (5) ALS rescue engines. Not to mention the numerous personnel leading the prevention, training, EMS, and administration divisions. Available to deploy as Region 7 resources are a HAZMAT Team and Technical Rescue Team.



Providing Support

The Administration Division:

  • Provides support functions for the department
  • Provides policy direction
  • Fiscal and personnel management
  • Accountability for the programs and services offered by the fire department


Our Administration Division is staffed by the Chief, an Office Manager, and a Receptionist / Secretary. For more information or questions please contact at (307) 637-6311.







Cheyenne Fire Rescue Operations, headed by an operations chief, is responsible for all emergency response services provided by the department.

Staff Structure

The Operations Division operates with 78 sworn firefighters and responds to all emergency incidents within the city during rotation on 24 hour duty days within a three shift structure. Each shift has at its command a battalion chief whose responsibilities include supervision and command of all response companies within their assignment.

Each response company has at its command a lieutenant who supervises an engineer and one or more firefighters. Within each Company, one of the three personnel is always a certified paramedic.

The Response Companies

The response companies are the personnel who are responsible for emergent and non-emergent operations.

Emergent responses include:

  • Smoke reports
  • Alarms
  • Ice rescue
  • Structure fires
  • Vehicle fires
  • Medical calls
  • Incidents requiring highly-trained and skilled technicians who can provide Advanced Life Support (ALS) while extricating a vehicle accident patient

Non-emergent responses include:

  • Installation of smoke alarms in your home
  • Assistance calls
  • Crew standbys at local events throughout the year
  • Building surveys and pre-planning
  • Other requested responses and activities


For further information contact

Division Chief of Operations Andrew Dykshorn





Working with the Community

The Fire Prevention Bureau is responsible for assisting the Fire Chief in the administration and enforcement of the fire code, the investigation of fires, and the fire safety and prevention programs to our community.

The Fire Prevention Bureau works with our customers to solve problems, review alternative methods and materials, and identify possible solutions to design problems. Our Plan Review Specialist inspects installations against the approved plans and when problems are identified, and work with our customers to correct deficiencies.

Prevention Through Education

Public Education and Prevention is the best way to stop a fire from ever happening! Last year Cheyenne Fire Rescue presented over 90 public education classes to Cheyenne public school children. CFR performed over 1000 fire safety inspections for city businesses. This division is staffed by a division chief, four lieutenants of inspection/investigation, a fire safety technician and a public information officer.

For more information or questions please contact us at (307) 637-6311 or e-mail CFR Prevention.



Provided Services

Cheyenne Fire and Rescue provides an integrated Emergency Response System utilizing firefighters in the delivery of fire and EMS services. Cheyenne Fire and Rescue provides both EMT and paramedic emergency medical care to our citizens. Every front line Engine Company in the city is staffed at the paramedic level 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. As a Department we responded to 5,587 medical emergencies in 2012. Our paramedics are committed to providing a rapid response with a high quality EMS service.

Working Together

The EMS Division works closely with Cheyenne Regional Medical Center and Laramie County Community College to explore new methods to improve our EMS system. Continuing education and quality assurance is our top priority. This Division is staffed by a lieutenant / coordinator and operations EMS shift trainers.

First Paramedic Engine Companies

Cheyenne Fire and Rescue is proud to be the first Fire Department in the State of Wyoming to provide paramedic engine companies for medical emergencies.

For further questions contact:

Brice Jacobson






Our Training Program

Cheyenne Fire and Rescue's Training Division is responsible for planning, coordinating, and training fire department personnel throughout the year. Specialty training is provided for members of Hazardous Materials and Rescue Teams. This diversity in our training allows us to be prepared for all levels and types of emergencies. Each month every fire crew participates in a building familiarization in their first due response area and the buildings tactical plans are developed for reference when the fire company responds.

Training Complex

Our state-of-the-art training complex opened in August 2003. This complex is the only one of its kind in Wyoming. The complex consists of a multipurpose classroom / fire station, a six story tower and a two story burn building. This complex provides Cheyenne firefighters and the region a great opportunity to train and participate in scenarios and evolutions working together.


The Department participates with the Front Range Fire Consortium for firefighter recruit academies twice a year, one in the fall and the other in the spring. These academies consist of 600-800 hours of training for probationary firefighters over a 16 week period.

Upon graduation a new recruit receives Firefighter I and II certifications as well as Hazmat Operations and Rescue Awareness level certificates, (High and Low angle, Confined Space and Trench). This division is staffed by a division chief, a lieutenant, and operational shift trainers.

For more information or questions please contact us at (307) 637-6311.