City Council

City Council Chambers

Governing Body

The City of Cheyenne operates as a Mayor-Council form of government and is classified as a first class City pursuant to Wyoming Statutes. The Cheyenne City Council is composed of nine members elected on a non-partisan basis. Three Council persons are elected from each of the three wards established within the City and serve staggered four-year terms. At the first regularly scheduled meeting of each year, a president and vice president are elected from among Council members to serve a one-year term.

The Governing Body is comprised of all nine Council members and the Mayor, who is elected at-large for a four-year term. The Mayor is a full-time position.


The Governing Body serves as the City's legislative body, having responsibility including: 
  • Enacting ordinances
  • Approving City growth and development
  • Establishing rules and regulations
  • Appropriating funds to conduct City business



2024 Council Priorities

2024 City Council Priorities



Council Champion: Laybourn

Specific Goals:

- Secure and prevent further deterioration

- Begin process of finding tenant


Measures of Success:

- Pumphouse mothballed

- Tenant negotiations in progress


Project website:



15th Street Project

Council Champion: White

Specific Goals:

- Support current project to move railcars

- Get contract in place

- Schedule work session


Measures of Success:

- Specific plan in place for placing railcars

- Review of current plans

- Work session held


Project website: TBA



Belvoir Ranch

Council Champion: Roybal

Specific Goals:

- Trail system established

- Work session

- Explore solar power


Measures of Success:

- Construction of trail system

- Work session held

- Decision on whether to move forward with solar power


Project website:




Reed Avenue

Council Champion: Esquibel

Specific Goals:

- Locate underground utilities (Contractor hired Jan. 2024)

- Closure of crossings at 18th and 21st streets


Measures of Success:

- Secure grants for crossing elimination

- Complete design concept

- Work session held


Project website:


2025 Council Priorities

2025 City Council Priorities


Explore new revenue streams

Council Champions: Aldrich, Esquibel, Emmons

Council seeks to identify new potential revenue sources for the City. Specifically, this goal includes:

  • Assembling an independent study to analyze potential revenue sources,
  • Reviewing City-owned real property,
  • Assessing current fees for City services, and
  • Exploring ways to reduce costs, and
  • Exploring new ways to use City property to generate revenue.


Ensure resources are available to address traffic violations and road safety

Council Champions: Laybourn, White, Moody

Council seeks to ensure that the Cheyenne Police Department and other City departments have the resources to address traffic violations in the community. Components of this goal include:

  • Addressing if current City ordinances can be updated to better address issues,
  • Submitting a resolution of support to the Wyoming Association of Municipalities requesting the Legislature to allow cities and towns to reduce urban speed limits,
  • Holding public engagement opportunities to allow residents to provide feedback on traffic and nuisance violations, and
  • Exploring adding traffic calming devices and reviewing current street design to promote traffic safety for all users.


Identify a plan to develop the east end of the Belvoir Ranch

Council Champions: Segrave, Roybal

Council would like to explore development opportunities for the east end of the Belvoir Ranch, which is located near Otto Road. This would not affect existing or planned uses on other sections of the Belvoir, including the trail network under construction. This goal includes:

  • Identifying access opportunities,
  • Reviewing potential land exchanges, and
  • Exploring solar power generation opportunities with the possibility of a third-party partnership.

Identify 6th Penny projects

Council Champion: Laybourn, Rinne

The current specific purpose option tax in Laramie County (known as the 6th Penny) is expected to expire within the next 18 months (as of February 2025). Council plans to identify a list of City projects to submit for consideration on the next 6th Penny ballot that will go to voters. This goal includes:

  • Identifying a list of projects by the end of Summer 2025, and
  • Encouraging public feedback on the proposed list.