Traffic Delays at Dell Range Blvd. & Yellowstone Rd. Intersection

Published on November 10, 2022

BHE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Dell Range and Yellowstone Head to Head  10.17.22.png

CHEYENNE –Monday, November 14, 2022, Black Hills Energy will begin underground utility repairs at the Dell Range Boulevard and Yellowstone Intersection. Motorists can expect significant traffic delays around the area of impact.

All eastbound and westbound traffic will be reduced to one lane in each direction on Dell Range Boulevard at Yellowstone Road. 

All northbound and southbound lanes on Yellowstone Road will remain open but will be affected by traffic turning onto Dell Range Boulevard.

Alternate routes are strongly advised; all traffic to and from the north is encouraged to use Storey Boulevard to Powderhouse Road to Dell Range; all traffic from the south is encouraged to use Pershing Boulevard to Converse Avenue to Dell Range.

The duration of this project is expected to last four to five days, weather permitting. 
