Open house scheduled March 17, 2025, for passenger rail station study

Published on March 10, 2025

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A passenger rail station site selection study has identified three locations for a potential station in Cheyenne and residents are invited to an open house next week to provide feedback.

The open house will be held Monday, March 17, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Laramie County Library Cottonwood Room, 2200 Pioneer Ave.

The three sites are along Old Happy Jack Road, along Reed Avenue near the former steam plant, and along a stub track near Reed Avenue.

The three locations were selected in part due to how future passenger rail service may operate. Such services could include regional service along the Front Range Urban Corridor or long-distance service.

The Cheyenne Metropolitan Planning Organization is overseeing the site selection study, which is being performed by Quandel Consultants.

To learn more about the project, visit