Open house planned for potential Reed crossing closures

Published on October 20, 2023

reed concept design.PNG

The City of Cheyenne will hold a public open house next week concerning proposed railroad crossing closures at Reed Avenue as part of the Reed Avenue Corridor Project.

Closures are currently planned at 18th Street and 21st Street. If closed, vehicle traffic would no longer be permitted through those intersections. The closures would not begin until construction starts on the Reed Avenue Corridor Project.

The open house will be Thursday, Oct. 26, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the Cottonwood Room of the Laramie County Library at Pioneer Avenue and West 22nd Street.

Residents will be able to provide feedback on these closures as well as review conceptual plans for the Reed Avenue corridor. City staff will provide a short presentation at the beginning of the open house.

The City’s Engineering Department is currently in final design stage for the Reed Avenue Corridor Project, with additional opportunities for public input planned in the coming months. Design work is expected to be complete in about 12-18 months.

The Reed Avenue Corridor Project aims to convert the Reed Avenue right of way in Cheyenne’s West Edge into a public space that would provide safe pedestrian and bicycle access, gathering and event space, and economic development opportunities, all while celebrating the history of the corridor. The BNSF railroad track would still exist and would be separated from the public space on the corridor.

Construction on the project will be phased, with the first phase potentially beginning in late 2024, funding permitting.


A portion of this meeting will be available on Zoom:

Please click the link below to join the webinar:

Passcode: OH10262023

By phone: 346-248-7799

Webinar ID: 868 9566 6634

Passcode: 8181626971