Office of State Lands and Investments Board Awards City $1M ARPA Grant

Published on March 09, 2023


CHEYENNE – Mayor Patrick Collins is pleased to announce that the City of Cheyenne has been awarded a Local Government Project American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) grant from the Wyoming Office of State Lands and Investment Board (OSLI) for the Van Buren Avenue Stormwater Sewer Interceptor Project.

The award totaling $1 million will help offset project costs of $3.8 million and provide significant flood control at East Dell Range Boulevard and Van Buren Avenue. This project area has been identified for infrastructure development for the safety of residents and businesses and will facilitate continued economic growth and development to the east.

The city provided $2.8 million in matching funds through the 5th Penny Sales Tax. The storm sewer interceptor will be designed for the 50-year storm event and will provide the highest level of protection for the area. This critical infrastructure project benefits existing city and county neighborhoods and will permit expansion for new housing development.

The Local Government ARPA grant was created during the 2022 Budget Session of the Wyoming Legislature, appropriating $50 million for eligible capital projects. OSLI considered 97 applications totaling $180,235,457 from around the state.
