Finance Committee Meeting Rescheduled to March 17

Published on March 14, 2021

Cheyenne Flag

CHEYENNE – Due to the City of Cheyenne’s weather closure on Monday, March 15th, the Finance Committee Meeting will be rescheduled for Wednesday, March 17th at 12:00 p.m. and will continue to be held remotely. Information and links for public access can be found below and on the City’s Electronic Conference Meeting webpage at

If you would like to provide public comment, you will need to login using the Zoom link below from a computer, tablet, or smart phone. To be recognized for comment, the public will utilize the “raise hand” feature within the Zoom platform. Additional information and instructions to use this can be found here:

If you are unable to attend or login, you may still submit public comment(s) to or by calling (307) 638-4349. All questions must be submitted by 8am day of meeting. Individuals will need to provide their first and last name along with the corresponding agenda item number (ex: 8a or 12c) you wish to provide public comment on.

Finance Committee (March 17 at 12pm)

URL link:

Password: FC03152021

Call in Access: 669-900-6833

Webinar ID: 945 2207 7206

Passcode: 1763507872

