Warren AFB Providing Vaccines to Active Duty, Other Eligible Groups

Published on March 05, 2021

F.E. Warren Air Force Base.jpg

CHEYENNE – F.E. Warren Air Force Base has announced the availability of COVID-19 vaccinations to all active duty military members, Department of Defense (DoD) civilians, retirees, and all beneficiaries 18 years or older. Vaccinations will be administered every Friday at the Base Theater while vaccine supplies last.

Eligible individuals must make a reservation online at https://host.tablesready.com/p/book/add/90mdgrx/ or by calling 307-773-4643. Face coverings are required while on base.

For additional COVID-19 information for F.E. Warren Air Force Base, visit https://www.warren.af.mil/FEW-COVID-19-Info/.   

Several other vaccination sites remain available throughout Cheyenne and Laramie County for residents. Vaccination locations, and information on vaccine priority groups, can be found on the Cheyenne-Laramie County Health Department website. To view that webpage, click here

