Concrete work to affect access to Municipal Building and Transfer Stat

Published on March 21, 2025

Construction cone

Work to repair concrete and sidewalks near the Cheyenne Municipal Building will affect access to the building over the next few weeks. Concrete work is also scheduled for the Transfer Station on College Drive.

Crews with Simon Contractors will begin on the east side of the Municipal Building between the building and the George Cox Parking Structure on Monday, March 24, 2025. Work will then move to the north entrance to the building, followed by the main entrance on O’Neil Avenue.

Those accessing the Municipal Building should follow posted sign detours while work takes place. Construction will continue through mid to late April, weather permitting.

At the Transfer Station, 220 N. College Drive, crews will be repairing concrete in a number of places on the property. The Transfer Station will be open, but visitors should be mindful of changing traffic patterns. Work will wrap up in April.