Committee of the Whole Meeting Scheduled for March 9
Published on March 07, 2022
CHEYENNE – The Cheyenne City Council will hold a Committee of the Whole meeting on Wednesday, March 9th at 6 p.m. in the Laramie County School District 1 (LCSD1) Board Room located in Storey Gym (2811 House Ave.).
Use the main doors on the west side of Storey Gym and turn left at the hallway to access the Board Room. Parking is available in the surface lot north of Storey Gym. Following LCSD1 policy, a face covering is highly recommended but not required, socially distance when possible, and stay home if you are feeling ill. For a map of Storey Gym and parking, click here.
The meeting is to discuss a proposed equal rights ordinance on third reading for the City of Cheyenne.
The public comment period will provide a time limit of three minutes per public comment. The public comment period, and its duration, will be at the discretion of the Governing Body.
The meeting remains available remotely via Zoom to watch and provide public comment. Live streaming video will also be available on the City’s Facebook page to watch. A Zoom link is available below and on the City’s Electronic Conference Meeting webpage at
Public comment through Zoom is accessible with a computer, tablet, or smart phone. To be recognized for comment, the public will utilize the “raise hand” feature within the Zoom platform. Additional information and instructions to use this can be found here:
Committee of the Whole Meeting (March 9 at 6pm)
URL link:
Password: CW03092022
Call in Access: 669-900-6833
Webinar ID: 839 9199 0207
Passcode: 5237949828