City Council Meeting Time Adjusted Due to Cheyenne Frontier Days

Published on July 19, 2023

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CHEYENNE – With the thrilling excitement of Cheyenne Frontier Days upon us, city officials have decided to adjust the next Council meeting to fit city volunteers, contract workers, and leadership’s schedule. The City Council meeting will still be held on Monday, July 24 but will begin at noon instead of 6 p.m. The meeting will be held in person in Council Chambers at 2101 O’Neil Ave.

Meetings are also available remotely via Zoom to watch and provide public comment. The Zoom link is below and on the city’s Electronic Conference Meeting webpage at

Public comment through Zoom is accessible with a computer, tablet, or smartphone. The public will utilize the “Raise Hand” feature within the Zoom platform to be recognized for comment. Additional information and instructions for using this platform can be found here:

City Council Meeting (July 24 at 12 PM)

URL Link:

Password: CC07242023

Call in Access: 669-900-6833

Webinar ID: 837 2046 2097

Passcode: 6985112469
