City Council Meeting Information for December 14

Published on December 10, 2020

City Council Chambers

CHEYENNE – The regularly scheduled Cheyenne City Council Meeting will be held remotely on Monday, December 14th at 6:00 p.m. Information and links for public access can be found below and on the City’s Electronic Conference Meeting webpage at Video of the meeting will also be available on the City’s Facebook page.

If you would like to provide public comment, you will need to login using the Zoom link below from a computer, tablet, or smart phone. To be recognized for comment, the public will utilize the “raise hand” feature within the Zoom platform. Additional information and instructions to use this can be found here:

If you are unable to attend or login, you may still submit public comment(s) to or by calling (307) 638-4349. All questions must be submitted by 12pm the day of meeting. Individuals will need to provide their first and last name along with the corresponding agenda item number (ex: 8a or 12c) you wish to provide public comment on. Agenda items that remain on consent agenda will not be available for public comment.

City Council Meeting (December 14 at 6pm)

URL link:

Password: CC12142020

Call in Access: 669-900-6833

Event #: 926 0895 1105

Password: 4222087885

