City Accepting Applications for Housing Development Advisory Council

Published on June 12, 2023

board vacancy - blue

Online Application Form

PDF Application Form

CHEYENNE – The City of Cheyenne is now seeking applications for two vacancies on the Housing and Community Development Advisory Council.

For all interested parties, online and PDF applications are available at and the links above. Applications may also be obtained by contacting Holly Martinez in the Mayor’s office via email at or telephone at (307) 637-6300. All applications must be submitted no later than Friday, July 14, by 5 p.m. 

Additional information about the board can be found below:

Housing and Community Development Advisory Council

The Advisory Council’s primary role is to serve as a liaison between the Housing and Community Development Office, residents, and Cheyenne’s City Council. Members will actively receive input from low and moderate-income community residents and express those identified needs to Council. While serving in office, other duties will include overseeing the grant process and making recommendations to the City Council for funding. In addition, the Advisory Council may conduct site visits or evaluations on sub-recipients throughout the year.
