City Accepting Applications for Downtown Development Board

Published on May 25, 2021

board vacancy - blue

Online Application Form

PDF Application Form

CHEYENNE – City of Cheyenne Mayor Patrick Collins is seeking applications for membership on the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) Board. There are currently three positions available: two soon-to-be expired terms ending on June 30th, 2021 and one unexpired term ending on June 6th, 2023. Appointees will be given priority consideration to fill a subsequent term.

The DDA is comprised of a volunteer Board of Directors committed to the improvement and revitalization of downtown Cheyenne. The Board establishes the long-term vision and the four DDA committees (Urban Design, Downtown Beautification, Marketing, and Economic Development) serving to assist in accomplishing those defined objectives.

The only requirement to serve on the board is that a majority of the DDA board members – except any member from the City of Cheyenne governing body – shall reside, be a lessee, or own property in the downtown development district.

The district is bounded by House Avenue on the east, Snyder Avenue on the west, 22nd Street on the north, and the Union Pacific Railroad tracks on the south. The district also includes a small strip south of the Central Avenue viaduct that is bounded by Central Avenue on the east, Capitol Avenue on the west, Deming Drive on the south, and West 11th Street on the north. A map of the district boundaries can be found at

An online and PDF application are available at and at the links above. Applications may also be obtained by contacting Holly Martinez in the Mayor’s office via email ( or phone (307-637-6300). All applications must be submitted no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, June 18th.
