City Accepting Applications for Board Vacancies

Published on December 05, 2022

board vacancy red

Online Application Form

PDF Application Form

CHEYENNE – The City of Cheyenne is now accepting applications to fill two vacancies on the Cheyenne Historic Preservation Board and one vacancy on the Mayor’s Council for People with Disabilities.

Online and PDF applications are available for interested parties at and the links above. Applications may also be obtained by contacting Holly Martinez in the Mayor’s Office via email at or by telephone at (307) 637-6300. All applications must be submitted no later than Friday, December 16, 2022, by 5 p.m.

Additional information about the boards and their municipal involvement are as follows:

Cheyenne Historic Preservation Board

The Historic Preservation Board protects, enhances, and perpetuates historic structures and other areas of historical value, while promoting the use of historic districts and landmarks for the education, pleasure, and welfare of the community.

Mayor’s Council for People with Disabilities

The Mayor’s Council for People with Disabilities (MCPD) is an appointed body of the city that acts as an educational and solution-oriented advisory board. The council also serves as a catalyst for promoting self-advocacy, equality, accessibility, and opportunities for all people, regardless of their disability.
