Be in the Know When Removing Snow

Published on March 11, 2021

Sidewalk snow removal

CHEYENNE – Snowfall during winter and early spring comes as no surprise to Cheyenne residents. In anticipation of our most active snow season, the City reminds residents about proper snow removal from sidewalks. Referencing the City’s Municipal Code, owner(s) and/or, if appropriate, the occupant(s) of property abutting a sidewalk shall within a twenty-four (24) hour period, after a snowfall, remove snow, ice, or slush from such sidewalks and maintain them free of the same. Additional information on sidewalk snow removal can be found in section 8.60.090 of the Municipal Code

For more information on the City’s snow removal process for roadways, view our extended video interview with Street & Alley Supervisor, Bill Gonzales. What streets are plowed first and why? What material is dispensed onto our roadways to melt ice? Answers to those questions and more are included in our extended video interview.

To access the City’s Snow and Ice Control Guide, click here. The Snow and Ice Control Guide features an interactive map of snowplow routes, frequently asked questions, and the City’s snow closure area map. 

